On Stage!
Robert Mauro
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On Stage!
Robert Mauro
All I Really Need To Know I Learned By Being In A Bad Murder Mystery
Werner Trieschmann
Tennessee Williams: One Act Plays
Tennessee Williams
Fortress (One-act)
Michael Scanlan
F1 M1
The Brick And The Rose
Lewis John Carlino
Make It Mystery
Craig Sodaro
The Mistakes Madeline Made
Elizabeth Meriwether
F2 M3
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Cass Foster
Abe Lincoln And Uncle Tom In The White House
Carlyle Brown
F2 M2
Breakfast With Willy
Karen Schiff
F1 M1
Plays Of The American Experience
Thomas Hischak
One-act Plays For Acting Students
Norman A Bert
Black Lives, Black Words
Reginald Edmund
Great Scenes From Minority Playwrights
Marsh Cassady
When the Promise was Broken
Joan Herrington
No Stable Too Small
Barbara Anne Antonucci
The Best Ten-minute Plays 2016
Lawrence Harbison
The Best Ten-minute Plays 2017
Lawrence Harbison
The Bully Plays - A Collection of 24 Ten Minute Plays
Linda Habjan
Fresh Brewed
Henry Meyerson
F2 M2
Sci-fi Scenes And Monster Dreams
Jan Peterson Ewen
Greg Atkins
F2 M2
Keen Teens
Anna Moench
F7 M6
Act Three, Scene Five
Terry Ortwein
F4 M1
Lol :/ And Other Modern Devised Plays
Becca Lill
Boo! Thirteen Scenes From Halloween
David Patrick Cook
Outstanding Short Plays, Volume Three
Craig Pospisil
F3 M1
Beanie And The Bamboozling Book Machine
Roy C Booth
Detective Sketches And Other Short Plays
Douglas Post
F3 M4
Hamlet And Zombies!
Will Averill
The Smartest Girl in the World
Miriam Gonzales
F2 M2
Lisa Strata's Big Idea
Jon Jory
Why We Like Love Stories
Stephen Gregg
F2 M2
The Crazy Cowgirls Of Pemberley Ranch
Jon Jory
All the World's a Stage - Volume 3
Joann Rose Leonard
Don't Tell Me I Can't Fly
Y York
The Perfect Ending
B Dwayne Craft
The Ants And The Grasshoppers
Donna Swift
She Wrote, Died, Then Wrote Some More
Steven Stack
Credit Check
Eddie Zipperer
F4 M4
Cindy Ella's Going To The Ball, Baby!
Billy St John
F7 M4
Holy Moses!
Bob Kolsby
Opened Mail
Jules Tasca
F2 M2
Robinson And Friday
Hansjörg Schneider
F1 M3
Why Teachers Go Nuts
Preston Powell
F7 M8
Junior High School One-Act Comedies
Ruth Kelsey
The Best Ten-minute Plays 2013
Lawrence Harbison
25 10-minute Plays For Teens
Lawrence Harbison
5-minute Plays For Teens
Lawrence Harbison
The Best Ten-minute Plays 2012
Lawrence Harbison
Cinderella Wore Combat Boots
Jerry Chase
F4 M4
Seven Interviews
Mark Dunn
F2 M1
New One-act Plays For Acting Students
Deb Bert
Medal Of Honor Rag
Tom Cole
More Aesop's (Oh So Slightly) Updated Fables
Kim Esop Wylie
Bar And Ger
F1 M1
The Flea and the Professor
Jordan Harrison
F3 M4
Christmas Plays For Young Audiences
Maggie Lawrence
High School Plays - A Collection of One-act Plays
David S Baker
F1 M1
Marcia Ann Shenk
F1 M1