The Secret Life Of Seagulls
Henry Meyerson
F2 M2
2.83 out of 5
Small Cast (4)Female (2)Male (2)
One act New
$15.07 USD
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$15.00 USD
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Tales from the coffee bar (eleven one-act plays)
Fresh Brewed is a collection of eleven plays, all of which take place in a coffee bar, all of which use the same set of two small tables and four chairs, and all of which can be performed by two male and two female actors in various combinations from a monologue to two quartets.
If all of the plays are performed in one evening, there should be no black outs between plays.
Simply changing the composition of the cast can signal the audience of movement between plays.
On the hand, each play is written so that it can be performed as a stand alone work.
If done as a unit, I suggest the following order.
At the least, I would recommend opening with No Prune, and closing with I Fell Swell.