Three Plays - The Thing With Feathers & A Dying Wish & Future Imperfect
Duane Kelly
3.85 out of 5
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Find here three freshly minted plays that delve into those issues unique to our modern condition.
From the evolution of social media to a constant barrage of advertisements, each piece in this collection paints a picture of the evolving landscape of relationships today.
Created by a collective of actors, writers and directors every one of these plays represents many voices and exists on the cusp of the devised theatre movement.
Included in this edition: lol: / A comical investigation into how we miscommunicate with technology as revealed by the story of two women reconnecting through Facebook.
Truth in Advertising An emotional commentary on society's twisted relationship with advertisements that exposes how anyone can be turned into a product.
Wild World The journey of two New Yorkers through a harsh city where strangers are the most alone when surrounded by others.
Notes on the devising process used to write and produce all of these shows.