The Best Ten-minute Plays 2013

Lawrence Harbison(Smith & Kraus)

The Best Ten-minute Plays 2013 Cover


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In this volume you'll find fifty terrific new 10-minute plays Plays for Two Actors: Absent Grace (Claudia Barnett) Animal/Animal (Libby Emmons) Anniversary Season (Jenny Lyn Bader) Aposiopesis (John McEneny) Black Coffee (Deanna Alisa Ableser) Customer Service (Philip Hall) Draw a Lion (Dan O'Neill) Fair Shake (Jeffrey Gold) Give and Take (Bara Swain) Green Sound (John Patrick Bray) In Memory of Calvinball (Erin Moughon) Intentional Deception (Greg Freier) Lack of Moisture (Debbie Lamedman) Magic 8 Ball (Kimberly Pau) The Memory Box (Chris Shaw Swanson) Minutiae (Barry Eitel) Missed Connections (Marj O'Neill Butler) The Ninth Circus of Hell (C.J.

Ehrlich) Numbers (Gregg Kreutz) Perspective (James McLindon) Reinventing the Wheel (Megan Lohne) She's Bound to Know (Michael Weems) This Flight Tonight (Wendy MacLeod) Unintelligent Life (John McKinney) Your Kiss is on My List (Christopher Lockheardt Plays for Three or More Actors: All My Problems (Laurie Graff) Battle Tactics (Andy Haynes) Black and White (Donna Hoke) The Date (Scene) (Mike Salomon) Captain Rockets Versus the Intergalactic Brain-Eaters (Don Nigro) The Corporate Ladder (Lisa Soland) Erosion (Scott McCrea) He's Really a Good Guy (Rory Leahy) Hurt (Saviana Stanescu) Mendacity of The Hear of Elephants in the Room (Carlos Murillo) Museum Place @2 (William Fowkes) Organic Seed (Patrick Gabridge) Pass Go: A Monopoly Play (Brian James Polak) Pocket Universe (Duncan Pflaster) The Promise (Jeffrey Strausser) Rat-Tat-Tat (David Guaspari) The Slasher's Lament (Michael Puzzo) A Small Fishing Nation Wedged Between Estonia and Latvia (Andrew Black) Standing Room Only (Aren Haun) Switzerland (Mayank Keshaviah) True Enough (Sonya Sobieski) Twenty-Three Hundred (Mark Rigney) What are You Going to Be?

(Steven Korbar) Where were You When I Was Coming?


Hanson) Zombie Love (Earl T. Roske)

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