The Methuen Drama Book Of Suffrage Plays: Taking The Stage
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The Methuen Drama Book Of Suffrage Plays: Taking The Stage
Ten-Minute Drama Plays for Middle School - 10Format - Volume 7
Kristen Dabrowski
Another World
Gillian Slovo
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Dale Wasserman
F4 M13
The Brick And The Rose
Lewis John Carlino
The Metamorphosis
E Thomalen
F3 M5
On Stage!
Robert Mauro
More Ten-Minute Plays for Middle School Performers
Rebecca Young
Peter Pan Goes Wrong
Henry Lewis
F2 M5
Jessica Swale's Blue Stockings
Jessica Swale
The Play That Goes Wrong
Henry Lewis
F2 M6
Shakespeare in Love
Lee Hall
The Brother/sister Plays
Tarell Alvin McCraney
The Nether
Jennifer Haley
F3 M3
Ali Taylor
F3 M1
The Three Musketeers (Stage Version)
Le Navet Le Navet Bete
Jeeves And Wooster In 'Perfect Nonsense'
The Goodale Brothers
Le Navet Bete
Once upon a Bride There was a Forest
Kristen Palmer
F3 M3
Shakespeare's "King Phycus", An Historical-pastoral-tragical Comedy In Five Acts
Tom Willmorth
F2 M4
Conor Mcpherson
F2 M1
Robert Fulghum's All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten
Robert Fulghum
F2 M3
Another Country
Julian Mitchell
Tennessee Williams: One Act Plays
Tennessee Williams
The Domino Effect And Other Plays
Fin Kennedy
Sally Cookson
F2 M3
Child Of The Divide
Sudha Bhuchar
F2 M3
The Bards Of Bromley And Other Plays
Perry Pontac
F6 M9
Two Man Show
Dr Scroggy's War
Howard Brenton
Hansel And Gretel
Kristin Walter
F4 M3
Carl Heap
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Bartlett Plays: 1
Mike Bartlett
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Cass Foster
The Box of Delights
Piers Torday
F3 M5
Horniman's Choice
Harold Brighouse
Wendy Hoose
Johnny Mcknight
F1 M1
A Girl With A Book And Other Plays
Nick Wood
The Middlemarch Trilogy
Geoffrey Beevers
Much Ado About Nothing
William Shakespeare
Glenn Waldron
F1 M2
The Awake
Ken Urban
F3 M3
By A Thread' & 'The Raft'
Lucy Gough
One Rehearsal Christmas Plays
Kendra Smiley
Emil and the Detectives
Carl Miller
Anna Jordan
F2 M2
Tender Loving Care
Vickie Donoghue
F3 M1
A Community Shakespeare Company Edition Of The Comedy Of Errors
Richard Carter
Duncan Macmillan
F1 M1
Choir Boy
Tarell Alvin McCraney
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Angus Jackson
The Children's Crusade
Paul Thompson
F8 M2
The Jungle
Joe Robertson
The Incredible Adventures of See-Thru Sam
Johnny McKnight
F1 M2
Interesting Times
Stephen Briggs
Alistair Mcdowall
F2 M3
The Truth
Terry Pratchett
My First Time
Ken Davenport
F2 M2
1984 : The play
George Orwell
F2 M6