5-minute Plays For Teens
Lawrence Harbison
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5-minute Plays For Teens
Lawrence Harbison
10-minute Plays For Kids
Lawrence Harbison
The Bully Plays - A Collection of 24 Ten Minute Plays
Linda Habjan
She Kills Monsters
Qui Nguyen
F6 M3
Emil and the Detectives
Carl Miller
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
F2 M6
Make It Mystery
Craig Sodaro
Kensuke's Kingdom
Michael Morpurgo
F2 M4
Collected Grimm Tales
Carol Ann Duffy
The Scarecrow and His Servant
Simon Reade
Marcelo Dos Santos
The Wind In The Willows
Mike Kenny
Carl Heap
Romeo and Juliet
Carl Heap
A Monster Calls: The Play
Sally Cookson
Danny The Champion Of The World
David Wood
The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
C S. Lewis
The Witches
David Wood
F6 M4
Roald Dahl's Cinderella
Helen Macgregor
No Stable Too Small
Barbara Anne Antonucci
The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
Adrian Mitchell
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
Russ Tunney
F3 M3
David Wood Plays 2
David Wood
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Roald Dahl dramatized by Richard R. George
The Thwarting Of Baron Bolligrew
Robert Robert Bolt
Babe, The Sheep-pig
David Wood
Jacqueline Wilson
F1 M5
Aesop's - Oh So Slightly - Updated Fables
Kim Esop Wylie
More Aesop's (Oh So Slightly) Updated Fables
Kim Esop Wylie
The Jungle Book
Stuart Paterson
F2 M6
David Wood Plays 1
David Wood
The Wizard Of Oz
Elizabeth Fuller Chapman
Beauty And The Beast
Jacqueline Wilson
Tinker Bell
Patrick Flynn
Horror Movie 101 - Failing Can Be Deadly
Steven Stack
F5 M2
The Tallest Tale Ever Told
Vivian Snipes
F2 M2
Carl Heap
Oscar Wilde
Phil Clarke
The Secret Garden
F5 M5
The Snow Queen
Ron Nicol
The Wizard Of Oz
L Frank Baum
F7 M6
The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz
Caroline Bird
Super Sidekick
Gregory Crafts
F1 M3
Rat's Tales
Melly Still
F5 M3
Babes In Toyland
R. Eugene Jackson
Wendy & Peter Pan
J M. Barrie
Sally Cookson
F2 M3
Roald Dahl's The Twits
Roald Dahl
Street Child
Stephen Cockett
Flour Babies
Rachel O'neill
Ken Ludwig's 'Twas The Night Before Christmas
Ken Ludwig
F2 M3
Sci-fi Scenes And Monster Dreams
Jan Peterson Ewen
George's Marvellous Medicine
David Wood
F3 M2
Dexter And Winter's Detective Agency
Nathan Bryon
F2 M1
Island Of Dr. Libris.
Chris Grabenstein
Our Teacher's A Troll
Dennis Kelly
The Twits
Roald Dahl
50 Best Plays For Young Audiences
Paul Harman
Peter Pan
The Peter Pan Company
The Railway Children
Mike Kenny
F5 M6