One On One
Stephen Fife
Lawrence Harbison(Applause Books)
3.17 out of 5
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Spotted something wrong or missing with this play? Let us know!
(Applause Acting Series). In 10-Minute Plays for Kids , young thespians will find terrific plays by some of our most prominent playwrights such as Sharyn Rothstein, Alex Broun, Jenny Lyn Bader, Claudia I. Haas, and Mark Harvey Levine, and by others less well known but equally terrific such as Sharai Bohannon, Suzanne Bailie, and Shirley King.
The characters and situations portrayed are perfect for the kid actor.
Some of the plays explore relatable tales of friendship and family, while others allow the actors to take on the personas of nonhuman characters, such as fish and chess pieces!
10-Minute Plays for Kids is ideal for theater students, youth groups, and acting classes.