The Complete History Of Comedy (Abridged)
Reed Martin
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The Complete History Of Comedy (Abridged)
Reed Martin
No Place to be Somebody
Charles Gordone
Once upon a Bride There was a Forest
Kristen Palmer
F3 M3
Fat Pig
Neil Labute
F2 M2
Home Of The Great Pecan
Stephen Bittrich
F2 M2
Stacy Davidowitz
Human Rites
Seth Rozin
F2 M1
Alexandre Dumas
F9 M6
Three Wise Guys
Scott Alan Evans
F2 M5
In Perpetuity Throughout the Universe
Eric Overmyer
F3 M3
Shakespeare's "King Phycus", An Historical-pastoral-tragical Comedy In Five Acts
Tom Willmorth
F2 M4
The Distance From Here
Neil LaBute
F4 M5
The Canterbury Tales - Love and Marriage
Reiner Prochaska
F3 M3
Spring's Awakening
Frank Wedekind