Home, I'm Darling
Laura Wade
F3 M3
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Home, I'm Darling
Laura Wade
F3 M3
Roald Dahl's The Twits
Roald Dahl
Wendy Hoose
Johnny Mcknight
F1 M1
Little Gem
Elaine Murphy
Ulster American
David Ireland
F1 M2
Enda Walsh - Plays Two
Enda Walsh
Steve Blount
F1 M1
One Life Stand
Eve Nicol
F2 M1
The Unmanageable Sisters
Michel Tremblay
Best Man
Carmel Winters
F4 M3
Jodi Gray
Oliver Cotton
F2 M4
The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole
Alan Blaikley
Communicating Doors
Alan Ayckbourn
F3 M3
Godber Plays: 2
John Godber
Three Restoration Comedies
Gāmini Salgādo
Godber Plays: 1
John Godber
Woman In Mind (December Bee)
Alan Ayckbourn
F3 M5
Waiting For Godot
Samuel Beckett
The Messiah
Julian Hough
F1 M2
Shanghai Moon
Charles Busch
James Graham
F1 M6
The Complete Plays
Joe Orton
Hotbed Hotel
Michael E Parker
F5 M4
Michael Frayn
Plays, Four
Noel Coward
Oliver Lansley
F2 M4
Things I Know To Be True
Andrew Bovell
F3 M3
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Steven Canny
Joe Orton
F1 M4
Beautiful Bodies
Laura Shaine Cunningham
The Scandalous Adventures Of Sir Toby Trollope
Ron House
Something's Afoot
James McDonald
F4 M6
A Super Happy Story (About Feeling Super Sad)
Matthew Floyd Jones
F2 M1
The Star
Michael Wynne
F3 M4
The Nap
Richard Bean
Richard Bean
Richard Bean
Sally Cookson
F2 M3
The Hypocrite
Richard Bean
Madame Rubinstein
John Misto
F2 M1
Nice Fish
Louis Jenkins
F1 M4
The Cutting Of The Cloth
Michael Hastings
F2 M3
Interesting Times
Stephen Briggs
The Country Wife
The Female Of The Species
Joanna Murray-smith
F3 M3
Jez Butterworth
Noises Off
Michael Frayn
F4 M5
Welcome Home, Captain Fox!
Anthony Weigh
The Play That Goes Wrong
Henry Lewis
F2 M6
The Importance Of Being Earnest And Other Plays
Oscar Wilde
Plays, One
Noel Coward
The Country Wife
William Wycherley
Richard Bean - Plays 4
Richard Bean
Harlequinade & All On Her Own
Terence Rattigan
Mike Bartlett
F1 M2
Harold Pinter
F1 M2
Coward Plays: 6
Noël Coward
My Night With Reg
Kevin Elyot
The Truth
Terry Pratchett
The Slab Boys Trilogy
John Byrne
F2 M6