Mixed Couples
James Prideaux
F2 M3
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Mixed Couples
James Prideaux
F2 M3
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Cass Foster
Stephen Sondheim
Dog Opera
Constance Congdon
F2 M5
From Marriage to Divorce
Georges Feydeau
What The Wine-sellers Buy Plus Three
Ron Milner
Funny Shorts
Billy Aronson
The Odd Couple
Neil Simon
F2 M6
The Odd Couple
Neil Simon
F6 M2
A Nervous Smile
John Belluso
F3 M1
Babylon Gardens
Timothy Mason
F5 M5
Weekends Like Other People
David Blomquist
F1 M1
Michael Weller
F2 M5
A Galway Girl
Geraldine Aron
F1 M1
Steve Yockey
F3 M3
Arkady Leokum
F2 M2
The Collected Plays Of Neil Simon
Annie Baker
F4 M1
Mary Chase
F3 M3
Will Scheffer
F1 M3
Four Baboons Adoring The Sun
John Guare
Blowing Whistles
Matthew Todd
Crazy And A Half
D R. Andersen
F2 M2
Ten Times Two
David Belke
F1 M2
Having a Wonderful Time - Wish You Were Her
William Van Zandt
F3 M3
Sex Lives Of Our Parents
Michael Mitnick
F2 M4
You Have To Serve Somebody
Werner Trieschmann
F5 M3
Selected Plays Of Arthur Laurents
Arthur Laurents
Spooky Dog And The Teen-age Gang Mysteries
Amy Rhodes
F3 M4
Tennessee Williams: One Act Plays
Tennessee Williams
Shakespeare's "King Phycus", An Historical-pastoral-tragical Comedy In Five Acts
Tom Willmorth
F2 M4
Kong's Night Out
Jack Neary
F4 M5