Still Life
Noel Coward
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Still Life
Noel Coward
The Astonished Heart
Noel Coward
F3 M4
A Merry Regiment Of Women
Rae Shirley
F6 M3
The Romancers
Edmond Rostand
F1 M5
Richard Lortz
F3 M2
A Galway Girl
Geraldine Aron
F1 M1
Susan Glaspell
F2 M3
Fortress (One-act)
Michael Scanlan
F1 M1
Ways And Means
Noel Coward
F4 M5
The Day The Whores Came Out To Play Tennis
Arthur Kopit
F8 M6
A Mad Breakfast
I M. Gray
F6 M4
Thornton Wilder
F3 M2
Act Three, Scene Five
Terry Ortwein
F4 M1
Woody Allen
Nobody Sleeps
Guernsey LaPelley
F4 M1
Reunion ; Dark Pony ; The Sanctity Of Marriage
David Mamet
F1 M1
Power Plays
Alan Arkin
Delval Divas
F7 M8
Murder Play
Brian J Burton
F2 M2
Something In The Basement And Other Plays
Don Nigro
F2 M1
Making Nice
Alan Haehnel
F8 M4
The Importance of Being Earnest (One Act)
Oscar Wilde
F4 M5
The Love Course
Albert Ramsdell Gurney
F2 M2
The Man In The Bowler Hat
A.A. Milne
F2 M4
The Methuen Drama Book Of Suffrage Plays: Taking The Stage
Mark Ravenhill
In Fireworks Lie Secret Codes
John Guare
F2 M3
The Bequest
Dale Wasserman
F3 M3
Figuring Things
Michael Fosbrook
F2 M2
Women Heroes
Julia Miles
Joanna Murray-smith
F3 M3
Who's Afraid Of The Working Class
Andrew Bovell
Senior Moments
Frederick Stroppel
F2 M2
Lake Disappointment
Luke Mullins