Private Lives (Methuen)
Noel Coward
F3 M2
3.8 out of 5
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A play in five scenes.
Characters: 6 male, 5 female Interior Set One of the Tonight at 8:30 series, a success in London and New York.
The movie Brief Encounter was based on this play.
In a suburban rail station, Dr. Harvey removes a cinder from Laura's eye and they fall in love.
Subsequent weekly meetings over tea, scenes debating respectability or love, and some sentimental moments transpire before they decide they must part forever.
He is accepting a faraway post and she must return to a circumspect life.
At their last meeting, a chattering friend swoops down and there is no chance for a final goodbye.
Private Lives (Methuen)
Noel Coward
F3 M2
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