The Bleeding Tree
Angus Cerini
4 out of 5
One act
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Kane and I were both rising stars.
I was rising to the top of the hand-modelling world and Kane was doing his plays.
Kane got his first action film and I became his double.
We clicked.
Everyone said so.
Kane is one of the worlds biggest movie stars.
His body double has been there from the start, sharing more than just looks with his famous counterpart.
The body double and Kane are to work on Lake Disappointmentan independent arts film that might see them win prestigious awards and fame.
This one-person play of mirrors and mannerisms explores the strange world of the body double.
It makes unique contributions to timeless theatrical concepts of images and representation.
Lake Disappointment is an unusual new work about ego, self-fashioning, and illusions.
(1 act, 1 male).