To Sir, With Love
E R. Braithwaite
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To Sir, With Love
E R. Braithwaite
The Domino Effect And Other Plays
Fin Kennedy
The Art Of Dance In Education
Jacqueline M Smith-autard
Iain F Macleòid
F2 M4
Picnic At Hanging Rock
Joan Lindsay
Drama, Narrative And Moral Education
Joe Winston
The Discipline Committee
Paul Nicholas Mason
F1 M3
Structuring Drama Work
Tony Goode
Iseult Golden
F1 M2
Producers' Choice - Six Plays for Young Performers
Megan Barker
Our Day Out
Willy Russell
Voices from the High School
Peter Dee
Twenty 10 Minute Plays for Teens - Volume I
Kristen Dabrowski
Our Teacher's A Troll
Dennis Kelly
Ostrich Boys
Carl Miller
Carl Heap
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Angus Jackson
Carl Heap
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Carl Heap
Romeo and Juliet
Carl Heap
Year 10
Simon Vinnicombe
Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time
Mark Haddon
F5 M5
A Community Shakespeare Company Edition Of The Comedy Of Errors
Richard Carter
The Taming of the Shrew - An Original Verse Adaptation
Richard Carter
A Community Shakespeare Company Edition Of As You Like It
Richard Carter
Spontaneous Melodramas 2
Laurie Polich
Riversong - Teacher's Book (Music) & CD
Jilly Jarman
The Musicians Of Bremen - Teacher's Book (Music)
Alison Hedger
I Was A Teenage Jekyll And Hyde
Peter Miller
Phoebe Eclair-Powell
Sally Cookson
F2 M3
Punk Rock
Simon Stephens
F4 M5
Uncanny Valley
Thomas Gibbons
F1 M1
Mark Ravenhill
The Monster That Ate 3b
Randall Lewton
Plays From Vault 2
Kenneth Emson
The History Boys: A Play
Alan Bennett
Stephens Plays: 3
Simon Stephens
5-minute Plays For Teens
Lawrence Harbison
Evan Placey