The People Vs. Friar Laurence, The Man Who Killed Romeo And Juliet
Ron West
F3 M6
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The People Vs. Friar Laurence, The Man Who Killed Romeo And Juliet
Ron West
F3 M6
An Evening Of Culture
Mark Landon Smith
F3 M5
Shakespeare's R & J
Joe Calarco
Shakespeare's R & J
Joe Calarco
Act Three, Scene Five
Terry Ortwein
F4 M1
Spanish Lies
Frank Vickery
F4 M3
Funny Little Thing Called Love
Jessie Jones
F5 M3
A Merry Regiment Of Women
Rae Shirley
F6 M3
Christmas Carol High School
Mark Landon Smith
Shakespeare's "King Phycus", An Historical-pastoral-tragical Comedy In Five Acts
Tom Willmorth
F2 M4
Fugitive Kind
Tennessee Williams
Right Place, Right Time
Lia Romeo
F3 M2
Chaucer In Rome
John Guare
F4 M8
For Reasons That Remain Unclear
Mart Crowley
Eddie Lee, Eddie Lee
Joe Sears
F2 M1
Debbie Does Dallas
Susan L Schwartz
F5 M3
Fool For Love
Sam Shepard
F1 M3
When the Promise was Broken
Joan Herrington
The Complete History Of Theatre (Abridged)
Matt Thompson
F1 M2
The Zombies - A Musical Spoof
Max Resto
The Canterbury Tales - Love and Marriage
Reiner Prochaska
F3 M3
The Best Ten-minute Plays 2016
Lawrence Harbison
Keep Your Pantheon
David Mamet