The Complete History Of Theatre (Abridged)

Matt Thompson(Dramatic Publishing)

The Complete History Of Theatre (Abridged) Cover


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"It's opening night, and master playwright William Shakespeare, theatrical diva Sarah Bernhardt and the indelible intellectual Constantine Stanislavsky lead you on a wild and wacky journey through the history of theatre from Aristophanes to Emile Zola.

This crazy cast of characters will transport you back in time as we relive the various elements of theatre from all parts of the globe.

Explore the beginnings of Greek theatre, Aristotle's Poetics, the fine art of Kabuki, the history of mime, the gladiators of Rome and speculation on the real author of Shakespeare's plays.

You'll hear homage to som eof the most famous lines from the world's best-known and beloved plays performed at breakneck speed.

Finally, the cast realizes that the playwright hasn't written an ending, and they have to ask the audience to help come up with a conclusion for the play.

This interactive farce keeps the audience in stitches at every turn on a rollicking ride!"--

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