Sympathetic Magic
Lanford Wilson
F3 M5
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Sympathetic Magic
Lanford Wilson
F3 M5
The Year Of Magical Thinking
Joan Didion
The Local Authority & Grand Magic & Filumena & Marturano
Eduardo de Filippo
Noah Haidle
F2 M3
Beauty And The Beast
Laurence Boswell
Caffe Cino
Wendell C Stone
The Tempest - Young People's Shakespeare Series
William Shakespeare
Dublin Carol
Conor McPherson
Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales
Philip Wilson
Disney's The Little Mermaid
Glenn Slater
Little Violet And The Angel
Philip Osment
F1 M2
Paul Reakes
Signs Of Life
Deborah Baley Brevoort
F1 M1
Seven Streams Of The River Ota
Eric Bernier
The Golem
H Leivick
The Tram To Bondi Beach
J Andrew Johnstone
F2 M1
The Miracle
Lin Coghlan
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
F2 M6
The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
Adrian Mitchell
I Believe in Unicorns
Danyah Miller
F5 M4
Dorothy Meets Alice, Or, The Wizard Of Wonderland
3 Uses Of The Knife
David Mamet
Tales Of King Arthur
John Chambers
Catfish Moon
Laddy Sartin
F1 M2
Cartwright Plays 1
Jim Cartwright
Peter Pan
The Peter Pan Company
Bryony Lavery
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Cass Foster
The Life And Death Of Almost Everybody
David Campton
Polish Joke And Other Plays
David Ives
Rat's Tales
Melly Still
F5 M3
Marisa Wegrzyn
F3 M2
Vita & Virginia
Eileen Atkins
Carl Heap
Marisol And Other Plays
José Rivera
F1 M2
Outside Mullingar
John Patrick Shanley
F2 M2
A Christmas Carol
Michael Paller
F2 M5
The Invisible Man
H G. Wells
The Invisible Man
H G. Wells
Franz Kafka's The Castle
Aaron Leichter
F3 M8
The Bfg
David Wood
Dirty Blonde
Claudia Shear
F1 M2
The Light Burns Blue
Silva Semerciyan
Deepen The Mystery
Lauren Gunderson
The Witches
David Wood
F6 M4
Plays, Two
Conor Mcpherson
The 39 Steps
John Buchan
F1 M3
Underneath The Lintel (Female Version)
Glen Berger
Goblin Market
Christina Georgina Rossetti
The Girl Who Fell Through A Hole In Her Sweater
Naomi Wallace
Dracula And Frankenstein
Lisa Evans
My Father, Odysseus
Timberlake Wertenbaker
Charlayne Woodard
F4 M2
Anne Meara
F3 M4
The Box of Delights
Piers Torday
F3 M5
Once upon a Bride There was a Forest
Kristen Palmer
F3 M3
Feathers In The Snow
Philip Ridley
Moose Mating
David Grae
F2 M3
Jonas Hassen Khemiri
F1 M3
We'll Always Have Paris
Jill Hyem
F3 M1