Etta Jenks
Marlane Meyer
F4 M5
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Etta Jenks
Marlane Meyer
F4 M5
Any Wednesday
Muriel Resnik Jackson
F2 M2
Ode To Joy
Craig Lucas
F2 M1
Ulysses In Traction
Albert Innaurato
F3 M5
The Bequest
Dale Wasserman
F3 M3
Happy Days
Garry Marshall
Skin Deep
Jon Lonoff
F2 M2
The Redthroats
David Cale
Woody Allen
Dan Goggin's Nunsense
Dan Goggin
F9 M1
Elizabeth Swados
The Housekeeper
James Prideaux
F1 M1
A Christmas Carol - A Musical Play
Christopher Bedloe
A House Not Meant To Stand
Tennessee Williams
F3 M8
Kindly Leave The Stage
John Chapman
F5 M3
No Stable Too Small
Barbara Anne Antonucci
Neil LaBute Plays 2
Neil LaBute
Kong's Night Out
Jack Neary
F4 M5
The Best Ten-Minute Plays 2018
Lawrence Harbison
Living On Love
Joe DiPietro
F2 M4
22 Comedy Ten-minute Plays
Laurie Allen
My Uncle Sam
Len Jenkin
F4 M7
Master Class
Terrence McNally
F3 M3
The Wheeler Dealers
Geroge Goodman
F4 M9
Baby Taj
Tanya Shaffer
F6 M5
The Portuguese Kid
John Patrick Shanley
F3 M2
Home Of The Great Pecan
Stephen Bittrich
F2 M2
The Value Of Names And Other Plays
Jeffrey Sweet
Around the World in 80 Days
Laura Eason
The Dazzle
Richard Greenberg
Tesla's Letters
Jeffrey Stanley
F2 M2
John Strand
F1 M3