A Midsummer Night's Dream
Cass Foster
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A Midsummer Night's Dream
Cass Foster
Gus Kaikkonen
F2 M2
Crawling Arnold
Jules Feiffer
F3 M2
Arkady Leokum
F2 M2
At Home At The Zoo
Edward Albee
In Fireworks Lie Secret Codes
John Guare
F2 M3
French Waitress And Other Plays
John Patrick Shanley
F2 M1
Cabin 12
John Bishop
F1 M3
Three One-acts By David Lindsay-abaire
David Lindsay-abaire
F3 M2
Up, Down, Strange, Charmed, Beauty, And Truth; Lila On The Wall; And Mafia On Prozac
Edward Allan Baker
F2 M3
Outstanding Short Plays, Volume Two
Craig Pospisil
A Galway Girl
Geraldine Aron
F1 M1
Richard Lortz
F3 M2
Tennessee Williams: One Act Plays
Tennessee Williams
Senior Moments
Frederick Stroppel
F2 M2
Writer's Block
Woody Allen
F4 M6
Colin Smith
F2 M2
From Marriage to Divorce
Georges Feydeau
Funny Shorts
Billy Aronson
Mary Crowther
F2 M2
The Fall
James Fritz
The Last Munro
Dave Watson
F1 M2
Darlene And The Guest Lecturer
Albert Ramsdell Gurney
Plays From Vault 4
Nabilah Said
Tonight at 8.30 - Ten One-act Plays
Noel Coward
Bash - Latterday Plays
Neil Labute