Marcia Ann Shenk
F1 M1
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Marcia Ann Shenk
F1 M1
25 10-minute Plays For Teens
Lawrence Harbison
Middle Class
Brad Slaight
F6 M4
Pop Star
Peter Morris
High School For Dummies
Bradley Hayward
Scott Hunter
Keen Teens
Anna Moench
F7 M6
Joe Iconis
F3 M3
Voices From Washington High
Craig Sodaro
F8 M7
Love Song
John Kolvenbach
Babe, The Sheep-pig
David Wood
Tom Jones
Ross Ericson
F4 M4
Whisky Galore
Compton Mackenzie
Kong's Night Out
Jack Neary
F4 M5
The Truth
Terry Pratchett
She Kills Monsters
Qui Nguyen
F6 M3
The Importance of Being Earnest (Four Act)
Oscar Wilde
F4 M7
The Three Musketeers (Stage Version)
Le Navet Le Navet Bete
Child Of The Divide
Sudha Bhuchar
F2 M3
The Best Ten-minute Plays 2016
Lawrence Harbison