22 Comedy Ten-minute Plays
Laurie Allen
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22 Comedy Ten-minute Plays
Laurie Allen
Thirty Short Comedy Plays For Teens
Laurie Allen
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Barbara Robinson
F6 M4
The Eight
Jeff Goode
4 X'mas
George Cameron Grant
F2 M2
A Christmas Cactus
Eliot Byerrum
F2 M4
The Truth About Cinderella - Musical
June W Rogers
F1 M9
Just in the Nick of Time! - A Detective Red Mistletoe Mystery
Linda Daugherty
Goldilocks And The Three Bears
John Morley
Jacqui Honess-martin
F2 M3
The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production Of A Christmas Carol
Walter Zerlin Jnr
F4 M1
Oliver Lansley
F2 M4
A Doublewide, Texas Christmas
Jessie Jones
F6 M3
Who's Holiday
Matthew Lombardo
The Savannah Disputation
Evan Smith
F3 M1
The Canterbury Tales - Love and Marriage
Reiner Prochaska
F3 M3
Lucifer Saved
Peter Oswald
Three Wise Guys
Scott Alan Evans
F2 M5
Jack And The Beanstalk
John Morley
Comfort And Joy
Mike Harding
F6 M6
Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Count Leo Tolstoy: Discord
Scott Carter
F3 M3
Dick Whittington
John Morley
Entertaining Angels
Richard Everett
F4 M1
Looking At Christmas
Steven Banks
F2 M2
The Ultimate Christmas Show (Abridged)
Reed Martin
Tom Dudzick
F2 M3
The Nativity Goes Wrong
Henry Shields
F2 M4
Heidi Schreck
F3 M3
Season's Greetings
Alan Ayckbourn
F4 M5
Sorry! Wrong Chimney!
Leo W Sears
F3 M4
Coney Island Christmas
Donald Margulies
John Wooten
F6 M8
Tom Wells
F2 M1
An Actor's Carol
Charles Evered
F1 M3
Waiting for Godot (Bilingual)
Samuel Beckett
The Charitable Sisterhood Of The Second Trinity Victory Church
Bo Wilson
Two Things You Don't Talk About At Dinner
Lisa Loomer
F8 M5
Old King Cole
Paul Reakes
The Flint Street Nativity
Tim Firth
F5 M7
Seven Santas
Jeff Goode
F3 M5
Last Panto in Little Grimley & Brenton Versus Brenton
David Tristram
F5 M5
Those Crazy Ladies In The House On The Corner
David Patrick Cook
F5 M4
Hand To God
Robert Askins
F2 M3
Marius Von Mayenburg
F3 M5
Ken Ludwig's 'Twas The Night Before Christmas
Ken Ludwig
F2 M3
An Act Of God
David Javerbaum
The Methuen Drama Anthology Of Modern Asian Plays
Kevin J Wetmore
Sally Cookson
F2 M3
Holy Laughter
Catherine Trieschmann
F5 M3
Ken Ludwig's The Game's Afoot, Or, Holmes For The Holidays
Ken Ludwig
F4 M4
The Bully Plays - A Collection of 24 Ten Minute Plays
Linda Habjan
Go Back To Where You Are
David Greenspan
F2 M5
The Heart Of Robin Hood
David Farr
The Hunchback Of Seville
Charise Castro Smith
F5 M3
67 Cinderellas
Stacey Lane
More Christmas On Stage
Rhonda Wray