The Modern International Dead

Damien Millar(Currency Press)

The Modern International Dead


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Every year, a tiny group of unique individuals give up a regular lifestyle to begin an extraordinary undertaking.

Banding together, they are recruited to bring relief to the world's trouble spots.

Delivering humanitarian or medical aid, they offer hope to those living on the edge of human tolerance ... well, at least, that's what they signed up for.

Damien Millar explores the intentions, adversities and fears of Australians on the front line.

Revealing personal stories with a compassionate eye and a gallows humour, he offers a compelling, practical perspective on international aid.

"The Modern International Dead" is 'witness theatre' at its most potent -- the insiders' view on global change today, and the world we hope for tomorrow.

(2 acts, 2 male, 1 female).

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