Plays Of The 60s
Katharine Brisbane
Katharine Brisbane(Currency Press)
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The late 1960s were among the most tumultuous years in recent history.
Student revolution spread like wildfire around the world as the past-war generation came to adulthood.
In Australia protests against the Vietnam War were mixed with rebellious new political awareness.
The plays in this volume reflect the radicalism in public and private life which that period has come to represent.
Each of these works played a significant part in advancing the horizons of the Australian stage.
Included in this volume are: Rodney Milgate's A Refined Look at Existence, an ironical comedy drama set in a NSW country town, which reworks Euripides' 'The Bacchae' (3 acts, 9 men, 3 women); Bill Reed's Burke's Company, a study of the explorer Robert O'Hara Burke and his life and death struggle with the Central Australian desert (2 acts, 9 men); Alex Buzo's The Front Room Boys, a seasonal satire set in a government office (1 act, 7 men, 2 women); and Chicago Chicago by John Romeril, a surreal attack on political exploration set against the 1968 Chicago Democrat Convention (1 act, 19 men, 5 women -- doubling possible).