Conversations In Tusculum
Richard Nelson
F2 M4
Brett Neveu(Broadway Play Publishing)
3 out of 5
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An edgy suburban comedy.
Three long-time friends meet at a bar, but before long they find themselves trapped in a crucible of competition and confession, both heartbreaking and sneaky-funny.
"A remarkably fresh and witty piece of writing."
-Chris Jones, The Chicago Tribune "The first half of the play follows a night of Kevin, Andy, and Mike's barroom chatter.
Neveu gets it exactly right: the staccato rhythm, the pregnant pauses, the sheer sad triviality of the whole empty conversation that too many of us have every night with our buddies after work.
Mike, a bit dim but endlessly eager, repeats soundbites that he's heard or misheard, these substitutes for actual ideas keeping the conversation flowing.
Andy is the go-getter who says all the right things, drops all the right names, thinks all the right thoughts.
(Neveu captures his voice brilliantly, especially the endless stream of buzzwords - names of people and places that we are instantly able to peg from their context.)" -Martin Denton, nytheatre.com About the author: "Perhaps the city's closest equivalent to a young [David] Mamet."
-Chris Jones, The Chicago Tribune "One of the most prolific, intelligent, and innovative playwrights to write in Chicago in years, maybe decades."
-Jack Helbig, PerformInk "The bard of midwestern angst."
-Lucia Mauro, Chicago Magazine "Make no mistake.
This is an author worth watching, and listening to."
-Michael Phillips, The Chicago Tribune