This Beautiful Future
Rita Kalnejais
F1 M1
Rita Kalnejais(Currency Press)
4.05 out of 5
Small Cast (7)Female (3)Male (4)
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A group of more or less ordinary Sydneysiders go about their lives: Anna makes toast, Henry dresses for work, Milla catches the train to school, Moses deals drugs.
But hovering above this unholy parade of life is the sobering fact that Milla will die before her 15th birthday.
"Babyteeth" looks at the humdrum world around us and sees something radically alive.
Dogs, Paganini, figs, an eight-year-old Vietnamese violin prodigy, morphine, clear skies and a Latvian immigrant are amongst the magnificent conflagration of ingredients which make up this wonderful, funny play, written specially for Belvoir.
(2 acts, 3 male, 3 female & 1 child).