Angry Housewives
A M. Collins
F4 M4
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Angry Housewives
A M. Collins
F4 M4
Let's Murder Marsha
Monk Ferris
F4 M3
Same Time, Next Year
Bernard Slade
F1 M1
Seven Short And Very Short Plays
Sharon Thie
Our Mother's Brief Affair
Richard Greenberg
F2 M2
Bed And Sofa
Abram Matveevich Room
F1 M2
Me, Myself And I
Paul Todd
F3 M1
Additional Particulars
Ed Simpson
F1 M3
Julie Johnson
Wendy Hammond
F2 M4
Plaza Suite
Neil Simon
F3 M3
References To Salvador Dali Make Me Hot
José Rivera
F2 M4