Plays By Stuart Spencer
Stuart Spencer
F1 M5
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Plays By Stuart Spencer
Stuart Spencer
F1 M5
The Art Of Dining
Tina Howe
F6 M3
All For Art
Roy Friedman
F1 M2
The Heart Of Art
Michael Weller
F3 M5
The Happy Sad
Ken Urban
F3 M4
Stupid Fucking Bird
Aaron Posner
F3 M4
Mere Mortals
David Ives
F3 M3
Psychopathia Sexualis
John Patrick Shanley
F3 M2
The Heidi Chronicles
Wendy Wasserstein
F5 M3
Mark Chrisler
Chekhov In Yalta
John Driver
F4 M7
Ode To Joy
Craig Lucas
F2 M1
Cheating Cheaters
John Patrick
F3 M2
Picasso At The Lapin Agile
Steve Martin
F2 M7
For The Use Of The Hall
Oliver Hailey
F4 M2
Coming Of Age In Soho
Albert Innaurato
F1 M4
Buffalo Gal
Albert Ramsdell Gurney
F3 M3
Bakersfield Mist
Stephen Sachs
F1 M1
Neil LaBute Plays 2
Neil LaBute
Adult Entertainment
Elaine May
F3 M3
About Spontaneous Combustion
Sherry Kramer
F4 M2
Dog Sees God
Bert V. Royal
F4 M4
The Revolutionists
Lauren Gunderson
Black Comedy
Pamela Faith Jackson
The Money Shot
Neil Labute
F3 M1
The Complete History Of Comedy (Abridged)
Reed Martin
The Canvas Barricade
Donald Jack
Kindly Leave The Stage
John Chapman
F5 M3
The Loser
Georges Feydeau