The Apartment Complex – Seven One-act Plays
William Inge
F2 M2
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The Apartment Complex – Seven One-act Plays
William Inge
F2 M2
Wendy Hoose
Johnny Mcknight
F1 M1
Jealousy ; &, There Are No Sacher Tortes In Our Society!
Murray Schisgal
F1 M2
The Eden Echo
Ruth Angell Purkey
F4 M1
Lost And Found
Peter Maloney
F1 M1
The Rialto Prom
Angela Wye
The Transfiguration Of Benno Blimpie
Albert Innaurato
F2 M3
Writer's Block
Woody Allen
F4 M6
Mark Chrisler
Kidney Stones
Frederick Stroppel
F2 M2
The Eros Trilogy
Nicky Silver
F1 M3