Can You Forgive Her?
Gina Gionfriddo
F2 M3
3.74 out of 5
Small Cast (5)Female (4)Male (1) New
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Women are running for president.
Men are exfoliating.
It's all jumbled: you can't read the signs.
Can any woman have it all?
After university Catherine and Gwen chose opposite paths: Catherine built a career as a rock-star academic, while Gwen built a home with a husband and children.
Decades later, unfulfilled in opposite ways, each woman covets the other's life, and a dangerous game begins as each tries to claim the other's territory.
Sparks fly and the age-old question arises: what do women really want?
Gina Gionfriddo dissects modern gender politics in this breathtakingly witty and virtuosic comedy, set in a small New England college town.
Traversing the experiences of women across the generations, this play is a hugely entertaining exploration of a new style of feminism, ripe for the twenty-first century.
Rapture, Blister, Burn was commissioned by Playwrights Horizons, where it premiered, with funds from the Harold and Mim Steinberg Charitable Trust.
It received its UK premiere at the Hampstead Theatre, London, in January 2014.
Can You Forgive Her?
Gina Gionfriddo
F2 M3
Becky Shaw
Gina Gionfriddo
F3 M2
After Ashley
Gina Gionfriddo
F2 M4