Plays 1

Iain Heggie(Methuen)

Plays 1 Cover


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The first collection from one of Scotland''s most important contemporary playwrights, with an introduction by the author.

In the award-winning A Wholly Healthy Glasgow, smooth operator Charley Hood and seedy masseur Donald Dick''s scams at the Spartan Health Club are jeopardised by the arrival of an idealistic new instructor who aims for a wholly healthy Glasgow.

''The funniest play I have seen for months'' (Times).

American Bagpipes- Sandra has returned to Glasgow from New Jersey, to take her mother Rena away with her.

Her brother Patrick comes home from prison to see if he can stay in the same room as his father without hitting him.

''A powerful, quirky, funny and virtually Euripidean domestic comedy that surprises as much as it delights'' (Times).

The Sex Comedies are six short, sleazy sketches about sexual anticipation in which the characters are left gagging with expectation or comically foiled.

''Peppered with colloquial wit, these cartoons unfurl with real brio'' (Time Out)Iain Heggie has won several awards, including the John Whiting Award and two Scotsman Fringe Firsts.

''His plays are original, inventive and joyful...

Iain Heggie creates fantastic idiomatic'' speeches (Times)'

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