Ferdinand von Schirach
F3 M3
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Ferdinand von Schirach
F3 M3
World Factory
Zoë Svendsen
Death And Taxes
David Patrick Cook
F5 M4
Death And Deceit On The Nile
Peter DePietro
F3 M4
Murderous Crossing
Nikki Stern
F3 M4
Todd Logan
F4 M2
Sherlock Holmes And The Ice Palace Murders
Jeffrey Hatcher
The Altos
Nikki Stern
F3 M4
Contempt Of Court
Nikki Stern
F2 M3
The Mosley Street Melodramas - Volume 2
Tom Frye
F3 M3
Happy Anniversary, Angel! Love, Gino
Jay D Spencer
Noir Suspicions
Nikki Stern
F3 M4
The Medieval Murders
Tom Chiodo
F3 M3
Jack The Ripper
Joe Dickenson
F8 M6
Murder At The Prom
Peter Depietro
F3 M4
A Fatal Combination
Peter Depietro
F6 M6
William Van Zandt
F2 M3
Richard S Dunlop
F2 M2