Plays By Women
Annie Castledine
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Plays By Women
Annie Castledine
Joe Penhall
F3 M1
The Clink
Stephen Jeffreys
Elizabeth Gordon Quinn
Chris Hannan
F4 M5
Joe Guy
Roy Williams
Four Farces
Georges Feydeau
King Lear
William Shakespeare
Romeo And Juliet
William Shakespeare
Julius Caesar
William Shakespeare
Commedia Plays
Barry Grantham
Antony And Cleopatra
Emrys Jones
Measure for Measure
William Shakespeare
The Royal Hunt Of The Sun
Peter Shaffer
A Number
Caryl Churchill
David Haig
David Haig
F1 M5
Drones, Baby, Drones
Christina Lamb
F2 M4
One Thousand And One Nights
Hanan Al-shaykh
Jim Jacobs
How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found
Fin Kennedy
Two Thousand Years
Mike Leigh
F4 M1
The Vertical Hour
David Hare
F2 M3
Alistair Beaton
F2 M5
Little Sweet Thing
Roy Williams
Incomplete And Random Acts Of Kin
David Eldridge
Women Laughing
Michael Wall
F2 M2
North ; Also, Soldiers ; Act Of Union ; Mary's Men
Seamus Finnegan
Agatha Christie
F4 M6
Ghost From A Perfect Place
Philip Ridley
F4 M1
William Shakespeare
Free As Air
Dorothy Reynolds
F4 M9
Titus Andronicus
William Shakespeare
Mercer Plays: 2
David Mercer
Andrew Davies
F3 M3
All For Love
John Dryden
All the President's Men?
Nicolas Kent
F1 M7
Living Together
Alan Ayckbourn
F3 M3
Pam Gems
F6 M4
The Wake
Tom Murphy
F5 M6
Much Ado About Nothing
William Shakespeare
The Comedy of Errors
William Shakespeare
All's Well That Ends Well
Janette Dillon
The Winter's Tale
Paul Edmondson
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Helen Hackett
Grease - Vocal Selections
Hal Leonard Corporation
The Lion King
Tim Rice
Eugene O'brien
F1 M1
William Shakespeare
F3 M4
Dublin Carol
Conor McPherson
One Life Stand
Eve Nicol
F2 M1
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Arthur Riordan