A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Arthur Riordan
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A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Arthur Riordan
Contemporary Scottish Plays
Trish Reid
3 Winters
Tena ŠTivičić
Never So Good
Howard Brenton
Things I Know To Be True
Andrew Bovell
F3 M3
The Picture Of Dorian Gray
John Osborne
Simon Stephens
Lilies On The Land
the Lions part
Gilbert Is Dead
Robin French
Dances Of Death
August Strindberg
F2 M4
The Year Of Magical Thinking
Joan Didion
Absence of War
David Hare
Anna Karenina
Helen Edmundson
F8 M3
Volpone And Other Plays
Ben Jonson
Martin Sherman
The Kitchen Sink
Tom Wells
F2 M3
Walker And The Ghost Dance
Derek Walcott
Vinaver Plays: 2
Michel Vinaver
One Minute
Simon Stephens
The Assembled Parties
Richard Greenberg
F3 M5
Next To Normal
Brian Yorkey
F3 M3
Alistair Beaton
F2 M5
When You Cure Me
Jack Thorne
Stewart Pringle
F1 M1
Nice Fish
Louis Jenkins
F1 M4
The Mother And The Father
Florian Zeller
F3 M3
Reid Plays: 1
Christina Reid
End Of The Rainbow
Peter Quilter
F1 M2
Flesh And Bone
Elliot Warren
F2 M2
Goodnight Children Everywhere And Other Plays
Richard Nelson
Polish Joke And Other Plays
David Ives
Five Plays
Liz Lochhead
Tony Kushner
F4 M9
Dinner With Friends
Donald Margulies
F2 M2