Plays Five
Howard Barker
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Plays Five
Howard Barker
Bond Plays: 5
Edward Bond
The Crime Of The Twenty-first Century
Edward Bond
F2 M2
Reid Plays: 1
Christina Reid
Ding Dong The Wicked
Caryl Churchill
F3 M3
Far Away
Caryl Churchill
Plays : Two
Howard Brenton
Three Restoration Comedies
Gāmini Salgādo
Caryl Churchill
F3 M3
Plays One
Nick Dear
Three Revenge Tragedies
Plays One
Howard Barker
Plays Two
Howard Barker
Plays Four
Howard Barker
English Mystery Plays
Peter Happe
After The Dance
Terence Rattigan
Plays Four
Caryl Churchill
The Syndicate
Eduardo De Filippo
Anna Weiss
Mike Cullen
F2 M1
Upton Plays: 1
Judy Upton
Townsend Plays 1
Sue Townsend
The Body Of An American
Dan O'brien
Plays : Three
Edward Bond
Lear. The Sea. Narrow Road To The Deep North. Black Mass. Passion
Edward Bond
Blood And Ice
Liz Lochhead
F3 M2
Three Plays
John Webster
55 Days
Howard Brenton
F2 M13
A Man for All Seasons (Methuen)
Robert Bolt
The Children & Have I None
Edward Bond
Private Lives (Methuen)
Noel Coward
F3 M2
Galsworthy Five Plays
John Galsworthy
Anne Boleyn
Howard Brenton
F4 M13
Good Things
Liz Lochhead
F2 M2
The Architect
David Greig
A Number
Caryl Churchill
The Way of the World (New Mermaid Edition)
William Congreve
F6 M6
Horniman's Choice
Harold Brighouse
The Container
Clare Bayley
F3 M3
Plays Political
Dan Laurence
My Boy Jack
David Haig
F2 M8
Caryl Churchill
The Thrill Of Love
Amanda Whittington
F5 M1
Europe' & 'The Architect'
David Greig
Love And Information
Caryl Churchill
The Chair Plays - Have I None & The Under Room & Chair
Edward Bond
The Pride
Alexi Kaye Campbell
F1 M2
Joanna Murray-smith
F1 M3
Plays, Two
Conor Mcpherson
The Power Of Yes
David Hare
Marlowe - Complete Plays
Christopher Marlowe
Polly Teale
F4 M2
An Experiment With An Air Pump
Shelagh Stephenson
F4 M3
Terry Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters
Stephen Briggs