Writer's Block
Woody Allen
F4 M6
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Writer's Block
Woody Allen
F4 M6
Woody Allen
Lovely Day
Leslie Ayvazian
F1 M2
Israel Horovitz's New Shorts
Israel Horovitz
Why We Like Love Stories
Stephen Gregg
F2 M2
Abe Lincoln And Uncle Tom In The White House
Carlyle Brown
F2 M2
Good Help Is Hard To Find
Arthur L Kopit
F3 M1
Am I Blue
Beth Henley
F4 M3
Blind Date
Horton Foote
F2 M2
It's No Crime
Brad Gromelski
F1 M1
Up, Down, Strange, Charmed, Beauty, And Truth; Lila On The Wall; And Mafia On Prozac
Edward Allan Baker
F2 M3