Black Comedy
Pamela Faith Jackson
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Black Comedy
Pamela Faith Jackson
The House That Will Not Stand
Marcus Gardley
F7 M1
The Hunchback Of Seville
Charise Castro Smith
F5 M3
One Night In Miami...
Kemp Powers
Red Velvet
Lolita Chakrabarti
F3 M5
Shakespeare's "King Phycus", An Historical-pastoral-tragical Comedy In Five Acts
Tom Willmorth
F2 M4
The Whipping Man
Matthew Lopez
Father Comes Home From The Wars (Parts 1, 2 & 3)
Suzan-lori Parks
Emma Rice
Spring's Awakening
Frank Wedekind
Miss Julie - Freedom Summer
Stephen Sachs
F2 M1
Around the World in 80 Days
Laura Eason
Once upon a Bride There was a Forest
Kristen Palmer
F3 M3
Lorraine Hansberry's The Sign In Sidney Brustein's Window
Lorraine Hansberry
F3 M5
Joe Guy
Roy Williams
Farewell To The Theatre
Richard Nelson
F2 M6
8 Hotels
Nicholas Wright
F2 M2
Roberto Aguirre-sacasa
F2 M3
Toni Morrison
Abe Lincoln And Uncle Tom In The White House
Carlyle Brown
F2 M2
Christopher Hampton
Gail Kriegel
Mother Courage And Her Children
Bertolt Brecht
My First Time
Ken Davenport
F2 M2
A Man for All Seasons
Robert Bolt
The Methuen Drama Book Of Suffrage Plays: Taking The Stage
Tanya Ronder
A Tale Of Two Cities
Mike Poulton
Shakespeare in Love
Lee Hall
Jessica Swale's Blue Stockings
Jessica Swale
Carol Ann Duffy
The Light Burns Blue
Silva Semerciyan
The Railway Children
Mike Kenny
F5 M6
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Simon Adorian
The Three Musketeers (Stage Version)
Le Navet Le Navet Bete
Le Navet Bete
The Royal Hunt Of The Sun
Peter Shaffer
Child Of The Divide
Sudha Bhuchar
F2 M3
The Bards Of Bromley And Other Plays
Perry Pontac
F6 M9
Feathers In The Snow
Philip Ridley
Horniman's Choice
Harold Brighouse
The Middlemarch Trilogy
Geoffrey Beevers
The Secret River (Stage Version)
Kate Grenville
Glimpses Of The Moon
Tajlei Levis
F3 M3
Rona Munro
The Lottery of Love
Pierre Marivaux
F2 M4
Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales
Philip Wilson
Tender Loving Care
Vickie Donoghue
F3 M1
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Angus Jackson
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Jethro Compton
F1 M5
Laura Turner
F6 M3
The Red Shoes
Nancy Harris
Peter Pan
The Peter Pan Company
The Machine Gunners
Ali Taylor
To Sir, With Love
E R. Braithwaite
An August Bank Holiday Lark
Deborah McAndrew
The Heart Of Robin Hood
David Farr
A Man for All Seasons (Methuen)
Robert Bolt
Peter Pan Goes Wrong
Henry Lewis
F2 M5