Reunion ; Dark Pony ; The Sanctity Of Marriage
David Mamet
F1 M1
Jesse Kellerman(Samuel French)
4.14 out of 5
Medium Cast (8)Female (3)Male (5)
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A play
On a rainy Texas night, a cabbie commits a hit-and-run.
Though they try to forget it happened, guilt draws the driver and his passenger together and seven lives change forever.
The well-drawn characters include a lesbian airline employee, a doctor with the bedside manner of a mannequin, a waitress who always carries a burn kit (just in case), a single father whose only happiness hovers near death, a high-strung business woman, an ex-con terrified of Texas justice and a street magician whose verbal contortions hide a thirty-year battle to rectify his past.
This is a play about Dallas, love, fate, magic and peach pie.