The Gift Of The Gorgon
Peter Shaffer
F5 M4
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A drama in two acts
"The Spanish expedition under Pizzaro to the land of the Incas told in dazzling spectacle and moral chiaroscuro.
After general absolution for any crimes they may commit against the pagan Incas, the conquerors set forth upon the sea.
The Inca god is a sun god, ruler of the riches and people of Peru and thought to be immortal.
But the Spaniards have come in conquest rather than in reverence.
There is misunderstanding, confusion, and slaughter: the Spaniards kill 3000 unarmed Incas and take the sun god captive.
The ransom is 9000 pounds of gold.
The avaricious Spaniards mutiny, try the sun god in kangaroo court and garrote him.
He does not revive.
The Incas behold their dead god."--Publisher's Website.
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