The Late Mrs. Early

Norman Robbins(Samuel French)

The Late Mrs. Early


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Terry Early's announcement that he and Susan Rickworth intend to marry rouses the fury of the formidable Alice, Terry's mother, on account of a previous relationship between her and Reuben Rickworth, Susan's father.

Sam Early is caught in th middle of this and his peace of mind - as that of his crony Joe - is shattered.

Alice's sudden demise, following her handling of a faulty electric kettle lent her by the inquisitive neighbour, Mabel, promises a peaceful solution.

But Alice as a vengeful ghost is even more formidable than as a live wife and mother.

Much drama ensues in which both families - and Mabel - are involved, before Alice's ashes can be persuaded to lie quiet in her urn until Sam is ready to join her.

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