Two Plays For Young People
Phil Porter
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December 1914. As families across Europe gather to celebrate Christmas, a generation of young men find themselves far away from their loved ones in the trenches of the Western Front.
There they face a world seemingly devoid of any peace or goodwill.
But on Christmas Eve 1914, as the men of the Warwickshire Regiment shelter in their trenches, something astonishing happens.
Across no-man's land they hear music.
The German soldiers are singing Christmas carols; the same carols their families are listening to, hundreds of miles away in Birmingham, Warwick and Stratford-upon-Avon.
Leaving their trenches, carrying only their courage and their humanity, they go to meet their enemies; not to fight, but talk, to exchange gifts, to celebrate Christmas.
And the next day, together, they play an unforgettable game of football.