Kikia Te Poa
Matthew Saville
Pippa Hall, Jo Randerson(The Play Press)
5 out of 5
Medium Cast (10)Female (3)Male (7)
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Spotted something wrong or missing with this play? Let us know!
Two one act plays from two of New Zealand's leading young playwrights, which both began as hits of Young and Hungry Festivals at BATS Theatre, Wellington.
'Fold' is set among five grisly birthday celebrations arranged and grimly enjoyed by five jaundiced and peculiar partygoers.
The ugly views and behaviour of this group of weird, semi-clothed acquaintances finally degenerates into a chaotic soup of insecurity, obsession and scary self-analysis, as they sense their putrid attitudes becoming increasingly absurd and irrelevant.
(1 act, 5 male, 4 female).
'Shudder' has been described as 'Under Milkwood on acid'.
The play takes a contemporary look at the colourful underworld of Wellington's subcultures.
Follow the lives of Sleezeboy, Polly and a cast of thousands as they slowly begin to realise all is not right with the world.
What will people say and do when the big one hits?
Do we get down on our knees and pray, or go out looting?
A stylistic ensemble drama.
(1 act, 8 male, 11 female).