Private Lives (Methuen)
Noel Coward
F3 M2
2.33 out of 5
Medium Cast (9)Female (4)Male (5)
One act New
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$5.98 USD
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$16.50 USD
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$8.95 USD
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Characters: 5 male, 4 female Scenery: Suggested sets One of the Tonight At 8:30 series produced in London and New York.
Victoria has just returned from the theatre where she saw a romantic musical.
She quells a headache with three Anytal tablets just before her husband enters and announces divorce plans.
Victoria, head buzzing, attempts to understand his reasons.
She slips into a fantastic dream that reviews their meeting, courtship and marriage.
Coming to, she clings to her husband and he reconsiders.
Also published in Tonight at 8:30.
Private Lives (Methuen)
Noel Coward
F3 M2
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