The (Curious Case Of The) Watson Intelligence
Madeleine George
F1 M2
Madeleine George(Samuel French)
4.2 out of 5
Small Cast (6)Female (3)Male (3) New
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"Dean Wreen is not having a good week.
Her college is in dire financial straits and a plan to close its tiny, all-but-forgotten natural history museum is sending unexpected shock waves through the local community.
At home, her ex-lover is staying with her - sending shock waves of a different sort through her relationship with her current (and much younger) girlfriend.
Town-gown relations are in tatters!
The local newspaper is erupting in violent protest!
Even the historically inaccurate dioramas in the museum have started mouthing off.
A screwball comedy about the perils of monogamy, certainty, and academic administration."--Page [4] of cover
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