Secret Life Of Humans

David Byrne(Nick Hern Books)

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In 1949, scientist and mathematician Dr Jacob Bronowski installs a hidden, locked room in his house.

Fifty years later, his grandson discovers the secrets contained in the room, unearthing echoes from across six million years of human history.

David Byrne's play <i>Secret Life of Humans</i> was first seen during a sell-out, award-winning run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2017.

It had its London premiere at New Diorama in April 2018, ahead of transferring Off-Broadway.

'Ambitious, intellegent and moving... unfolds with thriller-like precision with real visual flair.' - <i>Guardian</i>

'Bold, beautiful and utterly absorbing theatre, finding the thrilling drama inherent in the human story.

It takes your breath away.' - <i>The Stage</i>

'Presented with brilliant imagination... strikingly accomplished, absorbing and enjoyable.' - <i>Scotsman</i>


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