Ariel Dorfman
F1 M8
Ariel Dorfman(Nick Hern Books)
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Widows; Death and the Maiden; Reader
Death and the Maiden is 'a terrifying moral thriller which combines brilliant theatricality with clear thought and fierce compassion' Sunday Times.
It ran for a year in the West End, was a hit on Broadway and was filmed by Polanski.
Reader, premiered at the Traverse Theater, Edinburgh, is about a censor who discovers that a novel he wishes to ban is describing his own life.
Widows, also first produced by the Traverse, is about the men who 'disappear' under totalitarian regimes and about the women who wait.
Ariel Dorfman
F1 M8
Death And The Maiden
Ariel Dorfman
F1 M2
Death And The Maiden
Ariel Dorfman
F1 M2
The Other Side
Ariel Dorfman
Ariel Dorfman
F1 M1
Traverse Theatre