The Heidi Chronicles
Wendy Wasserstein
F5 M3
James McLure(Dramatists Play Service)
3.88 out of 5
One act
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THE STORY: Three G.I.s recovering from Vietnam injuries, while away their time on the terrace of an Army hospital.
Gately, a hillbilly, fiddles compulsively with a disemboweled radio; Silvio, a streetwise, big-city type, is addicted to flashing (even though his sex organs have suffered-he thinks-irremediable battle damage); while Natwick, a prissy rich kid from Long Island, writes letters to his mother telling her how much he wants to become a close friend of Gately (while omitting mention of how actively Silvio dislikes him).
Comprised of a series of brief blackout scenes, the play blends these into a meaningful mosaic as the three tease, torment, entertain, exasperate and, on occasion, solace each other-maintaining throughout a hilarity which belies their deep concern about the uncertainties of the civilian world to which they will soon be returning.
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