Joe Turner's Come And Gone
August Wilson
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Spotted something wrong or missing with this play? Let us know!
To the world, he was a startlingly successful international tycoon, head of a vast financial empire.
To his beautiful secretary-mistress, he was a god-like hero to be served with her mind, soul and body.
To his aristocratic young wife, he was an elemental force of nature to be tamed.
To his millionaire father-in-law, he was a giant whose single error could be used to destroy him.
What kind of man was Bjorn Faulkner?
Only you, the reader, can decide.
On one level, <b>Night of January 16th</b> is a totally gripping drama about the rise and destruction of a brilliant and ruthless man.
On a deeper level, it is a superb dramatic objectification of <b>Ayn Rand</b>'s vision of human strength and weakness.
Since its original Broadway success, it has achieved vast worldwide popularity and acclaim.