The Heidi Chronicles
Wendy Wasserstein
F5 M3
Robert Patrick(Dramatists Play Service)
2.8 out of 5
One act
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Struggling to succeed as a writer, despite little to show for her efforts but rejection slips, Paula ignores the ringing phone, as she has disciplined herself not to interrupt her work before lunch.
Instead her still sleeping roommate, Yucca, a happy-go-lucky rock singer, is roused to answer it - and, as it happens, the call is for her anyway.
So are the many others which follow insistently thereafter, plus the TV crew waiting downstairs, and all because Yucca, who filled in for an ailing performer the night before, has suddenly been "discovered."
She couldn't care less, but Paula, while trying to control her anguish, cares a great deal - with results that are funny, ironic, very human and consistently entertaining.