Middle-aged White Guys

Jane Martin(Samuel French)

Middle-aged White Guys


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A comedy

This wild comedy is set at a toxic waste dump in the Midwest.

Three brothers are there to toast the memory of R.V., wife to one and lover to the others, who committed suicide.

Roy, the honorary mayor who is dressed as Lincoln to deliver the Gettysburg Address at Fourth of July celebrations, is worried because the town newspaper has revealed that the barrels he imports aren't "food additives" and because his wife now knows about his girlfriend.

After brother Moon, a soldier of fortune who has been away killing third world people, talks Roy's wife out of shooting him, R.V. appears looking unchanged by twenty years of being dead.

She says the men must march 600 miles to the Washington Monument, naked with a sign that reads "We're Sorry."

When their recently deceased mother also appears to chastise them for their sins and for dispersing her ashes at Wendy's instead of Hardee's, the men know what they must do.

- Publisher's note.

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