The Heidi Chronicles
Wendy Wasserstein
F5 M3
James Mclure(Dramatists Play Service)
3.77 out of 5
One act
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THE STORY: The setting is the front porch of Roy and Elizabeth's home in Maynard, Texas, on a hot summer afternoon.
Elizabeth and her friend Hattie are whiling away the time folding laundry, watching TV, sipping bourbon and Coke, and gossiping about the many open secrets which are so much a part of small-town life.
They are joined by the self-righteous Amy Lee who, among other tidbits, can't resist blurting out that Roy has been seen around town with another woman.
While the ensuing conversation is increasingly edged with bitter humor, from it emerges a sense of Elizabeth's inner strength and her quiet understanding of the turmoil which has beset her husband since his return from Vietnam.
He is wild, and he is unfaithful, but he needs her, and she loves him.
And she'll be waiting for him when he comes home-no matter what others may say or think.